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This is my DIY kitchen scale. As the name applies, I use it in the kitchen to weigh powders and other food ingredients! It can weigh up to 1kg with 0.2g precision. Features a button to reset the current weight to zero and uses 2, 2-digits seven segments for display!
The weighting is done by a 1kg Load cell, an HX-711 module, and an Atmega8. I used a Lithium-Ion battery and boost converter to power the circuit. The program is written in C language and Codevision AVR software.
Also, I designed the PCB with EasyEDA, printed it on Glossy paper, and transferred the print to a raw copper board. Then I used FeCl3 acid to remove unused copper and added some UV Soldermask to my PCB.

Code is available on Github:
EasyEDA design:
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